
The perception of sound in the absence of actual external sound rather than a single disease represents a symptom of an underlying condition. To explain the mechanisms underlying tinnitus, several theories have been proposed. Tinnitus is a very loud noise that can be intermittent or continuous. Tinnitus is frequently associated with hearing loss; however, it does not cause hearing loss, nor does hearing loss cause tinnitus. Tinnitus patients have no difficulty hearing, and in some cases, they become so sensitive to sound that they must muffle or mask external noises. The most common cause of tinnitus is prolonged exposure to loud sounds. The noise has long-term consequences. damage to the cochlea's sound-sensitive cells, a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear Tinnitus can be caused by a single exposure to an extremely loud noise. This track covers the following topics: chronic sensorineural tinnitus, tinnitus caused by sound exposure, pharmacological and behavioural treatment, electrical stimulation, and vascular compression of the auditory nerve.

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